Tom Pellereau
Prior to winning BBC's The Apprentice in 2011, Tom received a masters in Mechanical Engineering and Innovation from the University of Bath. He has always been passionate about inventing: his creations include an Ethical Goods brand connecting brands with charities; a bowel cancer screening tool; the first collapsible silicon baby bottle; and the Amadeus acoustic screen for musicians.

What is your favourite children's book of all time?
The BFG by Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake, mainly because it has an amazing creative contradiction at its heart. A Big Friendly Giant. The illustrations are fantastic and perfect for the story.
What books do you remember enjoying as a child?
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling.
Who are your favourite children's authors or illustrators?
Roald Dahl or Dr Seuss.
What books do you most enjoy sharing with your children?
Dr Seuss' Oh the Places You’ll Go.
How does it feel to be a Best Book Awards judge?
I have had personal experience of how huge an effect great writing can have. I remember watching my baby sister (eleven years younger than me), who is dyslexic like me, grow up reading Harry Potter. Despite struggling with reading, she loved them so much, she would read and read and never put the books down.