St Peter's Pupils
St Peter's RC High School

“Just formed our group but busy reading and reviewing”
We are a school library group in Manchester; we all love reading and are regular visitors to the library. We are also a very diverse group representing many countries in the world. Our group leader and library manager is Mrs Dermody and she is organizing in-school prizes for the best reviews etc. (Just in case we are not lucky enough to win an invitation to the Best Books Awards bash!) We only had our first meeting on May 2nd but we are busy reading the shortlisted books in our category and hope to be writing our reviews soon. We are all looking forward to reading your reviews and getting to know a little bit more about everyone else! Happy reading!
Dead Romantic
Ore, 14
I would rate this book a 4.5 out of 5. Dead romantic is about a girl called Camille who loses her friends and is rejected by the boy she loves and it is like all hope is lost. Until, she meets Zoe, a great scientist and her new friend. Together they create the most perfect man…
The genre of this novel will be mostly romance with a bit of horror. The main characters of this novel are Zoe and Camille. Camille is just a normal girl who is looking for the ‘perfect man’ but we all know that is hard to find. She yearns for the company of a friend and a man who is caring especially since her friends leave her for their won boyfriends. Zoe is the complete opposite and enjoys her own company. And she knows the real truth about her father and wants to carry on his work. She is very smart and confident in herself. When the tow of them join together to work on something amazing they become the most unusual type of friends. My favourite character is literally every character in the book since all of them do not have a definite characteristic or their behaviour does not stay the same throughout the story which changes my perception of the characters. This makes the novel more interesting. I actually enjoyed the book even though I am not really fond of romance novels however, this book had an edge and did not follow the main plot of all love stories so that’s why I really liked it. I would honestly not change anything about this book except maybe I would not write about Zoe’s past to make it more dramatic and mysterious or I would tell bits and pieces so Camille does not know everything and it would seem like Zoe could not be trusted. I really hope a second book will come out because the suspense at the end was great! I would definitely recommend this book to and age group of 10 to 16 years of age and I would be most suitable for girls. However, some boys could try it out and enjoy it.
The Fault in Our Stars
Mercy, 14
The Fault In Our Stars is an eye opener; reading this book reminds us how fragile life and our loved ones are. Its a true and beautifully written book, funny and smart, evoking strong emotions and reminding us how important living and life is.
Hazel, a lung cancer paitent and Gus, an amputee, meet in a cancer support group. This will be the start of their friendship, love and struggle.
The story is based on a very serious matter, however, the author manages to keep the story funny and witty. Its a quick and emotional read.
My favourite character was Isaac because he went through so much, but still managed to make it through and adjust to his situation.
I absolutely loved this book and would recommend it to Everyone! The ending was very, very sad and emotional.
4 out of 5
You Don't Know Me
Moaiz, 12
This is a really girly book which I would not recommend for boys, no matter their age. As a boy I am not a big fan of girl bands but there may be boys out there who might enjoy this book.
It took me ages to read this book; I kept putting it down and had to force myself to go back to it thinking there may be interesting parts to it later on in the story.
I think to make this book better it should have been a boy and girl band which might attract more boys to reading it.
There was one funny thing in it that I enjoyed and that was the bit when one of the characters (I cant remember which) thought there was a ghost behind her when she looked in the mirror.
This book just couldn’t hold my attention and I found it a real struggle to read.
I would give this book 2 out of 5; 1 for the funny bit and 1 for writing it.
Ivanna, 14
This book is about Sonny and Jammy, two brothers and their friends that have faced a lot of things in “The Ghost” (Their hometown). Jammy has joined the army along with another member of their group called Tommo but they aren’t the only ones fighting a war because life becomes difficult for the ones at home too.
I think the genre for Heroic was meant to be action, but I felt it was more of a drama because it mainly talked about the character’s situations and emotions.
My favourite character was “Wayne”; there isn’t an actual reason for it – I just liked his simplicity, plus I couldn’t relate to any of the main characters.
The best part of the book was the beginning for me, which seems quite strange, but it was the only part that actually had quite a bit of tension and excitement, (In my opinion.) One thing I realised is that I had a lot of expectations from this book, because of the title, yet the only time the title made sense to me was in the late middle of the book and even then it took a while for any of my expectations to be met. Towards the end it got a lot better and the ending wasn’t all bad. Overall the book was quite disappointing and I thought that so much more could have been done to make it more interesting or exciting so I would give it a 2-3/5. The best age group I can think to recommend it to, is young high-school children like ages: 11 and above.
The Fault in Our Stars
Ivana, 14
This book is about a girl called Hazel Grace Lancaster who is a cancer survivor, but still uses an oxygen tank because her lungs are weak. Hazel sometimes goes to a support group, where other people talk about their cancer stories and one time when she goes, she meets a boy called Augustus Waters. It’s a romantic book, so at first I made many assumptions, that later turned out to be incorrect. This book is also a drama, tragedy and despite the depressing atmosphere it gives off, there is also some comedy in it. I would recommend this book to teenage girls or young women because of the romance. It did take me a couple pages to get into the book, because I usually enjoy books with more action and pulse-racing scenes (and The Fault in our Stars had none of that). However, the minute I started understanding the book I actually became transfixed! As well as Hazel’s mum, Augustus was a favourite of mine. The reason for this is that he was a very refreshing character and I thought his cheesiness was quite funny too. Another thing that added to his character was his metaphorical way of getting through things; I thought they were interesting. My favourite part of the book was when Hazel was watching Isaac play his video game – If you read the book you will know what I’m talking about. I like this part because the inappropriateness of it made me laugh... a lot. Normally, I would have said that I’d like to change all of the depressing parts in the book, but I honestly, I don’t want to. I think that they were there for a reason; maybe they were there to make us readers understand how Hazel and the people around her must have actually felt. It may not have been as effective otherwise, which is why I don’t think I would change anything thing in this book and I would give it a 4/5 – I still think the beginning was quite slow though.
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